Trauma Based Mind Control
I heard Alex Stein mention the term “trauma based mind control” and I thought WOW! He’s right!
There was just a (black) guy (Errol Southers) that came across my twitter feed, saying that 78% of murders are committed by white supremacists
Accusation Trauma.
There has been an escalation since “COVID” was introduced as a construct in what I have coined as accusation trauma.
It would be naive to think that the controlling forces don’t have think tanks and resources allocated to discover what can we use to control?
One of the most effective things that have been used since the beginning of COVID is accusation trauma.
“You’re killing your neighbors, friends, family, church, school, etc., if you don’t do [fill in the blank - desired outcome]”
“You’re an anti-vaxxer”
“You’re anti-science”
“You’re a racist…”
Any harsh accusation creates an instinctive defense response. The propaganda purveyors are using this to their advantage, and have been for some time. Edward Bernays and Public Relations might be something to know about…
Another form of Accusation Trauma is when it is highly popularized to be classified in some way, and then the accusation for those who do not participate is “You’re not like us” or “You’re not playing by the rules.” This is just another form of discrimination and segregation.
Fuck their imposed rules.
Recently I watched a movie that has been censored on mainstream media, understandably. 2000 Mules showed how the 2020 Election was rigged by mail in ballots and mules who stuffed ballot boxes with illegitimate votes. It’s obvious to me that there is a huge power play going on in the world. I see it clearly because of living at arms-length for so many years.
What does the media do to distract from 2000 Mules movie?
Media: Let’s brand anyone that is “republican” as a racist. I abhor politics, and consider myself an “avoider”, but the term of republican would be aligned with those who want personal freedom and vote integrity, at least in the scenario above that is being mentioned.

Bottom line, anyone who wants vote integrity and individual freedom, is a republican by association, and thus is a “racist”.
It’s Accusation Trauma. It triggers fight or flight, and the political system is ready for either. Fighting gives them confirmation bias, allows them to make examples, and flight lets them win by attrition. If you leave, they win.
What they are NOT prepared for is to be repeatedly questioned on their position. In fact, when questioned calmly, they will explode with rage. They will up the accusations, using gaslighting and emotional pleas such as “Don’t you care about [fill in the blank]?”
This is why censorship is so heavy at the moment. Hell, this substack may not survive, who knows?
So, here are the rules that I have learned to avoid much bullshit in my life.
After realizing that ALL accusations are attempts to control,
Know who you are. (Most people lose at this step. The Identity provided by the state is a chattel property PERSON, and that is not you. It’s a legal fiction.)
Know who has the burden of proof. (The maxim of law is that “He who claims must prove”.)
Never argue. (In other words, arguing shifts the burden of proof to your shoulders, and even I fail at keeping this rule. I’m still working on it…)
Know and/or document your remedy. (This is a lifetime learning process. For instance, I help people with disabilities, and this means documenting things that affect them and things they need. Always communicate with bureaucrats in writing as much as possible to document your remedy.)
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