I get asked this question so much. The answer is YES. You can claim a religious exemption and ADA at the same time. In fact, I consider these two intertwined. Legalese for that is “intersectional”.
See. Our religious practices are the major life activites of “caring for oneself” and “interacting with others”. It’s already protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
But the real question is, IF you get fired for resisting against the #ClotShot, or your child gets kicked out of some program, or school, are you going to be able to exercise rights you didn’t claim before this happened? The answer to that is most likely NO.
There are exceptions, but why not exercise all of the rights available to you?
If you need help exercising your rights under the ADA, drop me a line at adarights (at) protonmail (dot) com.
P.D., JAY V SHORE, as Certified ADA Advocate.