Even though, in the end, it brought me much pain, I am thankful for the opportunity to have fathered 5 beautiful children. I am thankful that I got to see at least a part of their mother, the part she allowed me to see, and now that she is gone, I am thankful that I see more of her than ever before.
We all carry pain, we all carry trauma. I purposed in my heart that I would do everything I could do to end generational trauma for my bloodline, and even have the mark upon my body signifying this in a symbolic tattoo.
I hope that one day my children can see past the filters of subjectivity and see through objective lenses. I hope that one day my children and I can be reunited.
But, if not, I couldn’t be more pleased to have seen them grow up. I worked very hard to shield the amount of crisis they perceived, and I shouldered the weight of my own trauma in the best way I could to try to make their lives interesting, experiential, and joyful.
That is all for now.
What heart laden expressions...what sadness and resignation...Your offspring, your wife, your lineage...cut off and distant. Your heart is grieving the profound loss and grateful for the years you had together. I am praying for restoration one day!!