You could issue and deliver by registered mail, a limited power of attorney, naming the administration of your school district, the administration of the school, staff, or other supporting personnel, as your attorney in fact, WITH FIDUCIARY DUTY to:
call you prior to any interrogation, search, medical testing or other invasive procedure, investigation, disciplinary action, etc., etc., and appoint them with a FIDUCIARY duty to protect the civil rights of your child, making sure that a parent or attorney are involved before any commencement of any of the above, and also appoint them with a FIDUCIARY duty to protect as inviolate, the civil, religious, disability, and other rights of your child and to ensure, as per their FIDUCIARY duty, that your child is never enticed, coerced, intimidated, or threatened to waive or volunteer out of these rights…
But this is not legal advice, and I’m not going to tell you how to do it verbatim…
I will, however, guarantee, that IF you did this, and you served it by registered mail upon the Principal, and/or their successors in office, that you’d drive the pucker factor up to a 15 on a scale of one to ten…
I'd personally include a default clause, that their non response constitutes an acceptance of fiduciary obligation, and that any other response not accepting such duties constitutes an admission that they have no fiduciary obligation
I sure like this non-advise:-)
I think I will pass it along to several parents....