Life as the Fool.
There are many that are not “normal”. There are a few that are totally outside of the scope of allowable operation, and their very existence makes others recoil. I happen to be one of those.
As an interfaith minister, I’ve studied the mechanisms of religion and spirituality. The Tarot suit of archetypes includes a card called The Fool. The fool has a walking stick with a sack of provisions over his shoulder, and he is seemingly stepping towards a cliff with a dog nipping at his heels.
Are his steps in this frame foolish, or fearless? That is up to the interpretation of the one interacting with this card. And in these interpretations, there are infinite possibilities.
We can live our lives as afraid of the cliffs that line the most spectacular scenery, or we can believe that we will make it through this path without harm.
Jamie Smart author of Clarity, laid out that our lives are made up of experiences that are filtered through thoughts and beliefs. One person can see a building with beautiful architecture, appreciating its beauty. Another person can see the same building and be afraid that the building is going to fall upon them and cause them harm. These interpretations are our thoughts and beliefs.
There are a myriad of ways to interpret every scenario. If you allow for the infinite possibilities, you can also see how the Fool represents the knowledge that infinite possibilities exist, and living life with abandonment of fear is serving the highest good. It allows the spring in the step, near the cliff of disaster, while making it through with the beautiful lived experience of that journey. All the while the world, as the little dog, is nipping at our heels, which is the representation of fear, doubt, disbelief and despair.
BeLIEf. Many beliefs are based on the lies that are propounded upon us by the fearful society around us.
Choose to be the fool, and you’ll see things in a new light.