My understanding of Critical Race Theory is that it has a core belief that “white” people have continued to suppress and subjugate “people of color”, to the benefit of “white” people.
If this is true, then one race would be positioned as superior, and the other race would be positioned as inferior, which is unfair. My thoughts hereon are that simply reversing the scenario, which would still subjugate an entire race, is not the solution.
Wikipedia (citing several sources) says this:
“CRT scholars argue that the social and legal construction of race advances the interests of white people[7] at the expense of people of color,[11][12] and that the liberal notion of U.S. law as "neutral" plays a significant role in maintaining a racially unjust social order,[13] where formally color-blind laws continue to have racially discriminatory outcomes.[14]"
Wikipedia also states:
“Advocates of such [anti-CRT] bans argue that CRT is anti-American, villainizes white people, and indoctrinates children.[23]
That CRT villainizes through the use of the label of “white” is what I will demonstrate.
It should be noted that CRT is also a form of what I have coined as Victim Exclusivity Entitlement, which is a bogus claim of rights. To claim that only one race can experience racism is factually false, and it also sets up the premise that one race (whichever race is alleged to be unable to experience racism) has no seat at the roundtable of discussion for remedial outcomes.
My allegation is that CRT is in and of itself reverse racism, because it assigns non-redeemable negative characteristics to the label of “white”. If the “white” person is “implicitly racist” or is (because of their skin color, not their actions) asserting “white supremacy”, and there is no redeeming this characterization, then the label of “white” and its use by CRT proponents is inherently racist.
CRT basically has the stance of “You can’t talk about this, or sit here, because you’re white, and you don’t experience racism.” Bullshit. We’re experiencing it with CRT. And, we’ve been subject to increasingly negative labels if we attempt to discuss this. CRT has placed “white” people into a box of negative qualities, and there appears to be no way to redeem this. (Other than to accept that we are unredeemable and inferior for this, which is merely a reverse racism.)
Claiming that someone is exercising or exhibiting “superiority” while simultaneously denying them an opportunity to reconcile or even discuss the claim is, in fact, a reverse exercise of “superiority.” Call it “CRT-superiority” if you wish. But, this is just a reverse image of the superiority that CRT claims “white” people inherently exhibit.
This CRT-superiority is the very picture of Victim Exclusivity Entitlement - “VEE” (My race is the only race that is negatively affected or can claim victim status) and it also presents another frame of Perpetrator Exclusivity Categorization. (Only a certain race can perpetrate this harm. In the case of domestic violence, the Perpetrator Exclusivity Categorization is that only men are the abusers and only women are the victims -VEE). All of this is false narrative and bullshit. It’s short-slicing without regard for the continuation of harms that it causes.
The “N” word is used to express loathsome inferiority, if it is used by one race against against the race it is alleged to describe.
Similarly, the label of white is being used in the SAME way (as a slur), and primarily by CRT against the Beige skin tones.
It’s been a constant banging drum that reverse racism does not, or cannot occur. To assign irredeemable negative characteristics to a race is to slur that race.
I could give examples of this, but it would be best if you just use your imagination.
________________ race is _______________ (a branded negative accusation).
The word slur is defined as a shaming or degrading effect. Do African Americans want to be shamed or degraded by their skin color? No. Well, neither do the Beige skin toned people.
The CRT and BLM use of “White” as a racial slur includes all of the negative connotations they can dream up without any offer of reconciliation or parley. Truth be told, CRT and BLM adherents have a thematic display of wanting to punish the current totality of “white” people for alleged claims of “white supremacy” by reversing the tables, and painting “whites” as inferior. The awkward revelation of this mechanism is that CRT and BLM adherents perceive or at least paint themselves as inferior when they do this.
Is is fair for people to point out and demand reconciliation for discriminations that occur? ABSOLUTELY.
Is it fair for people to point out discrimination while simultaneously offering no remedy for reconciliation? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
The embarrassing revelation of the use of “white” as a slur is that it exposes the weakness of the ideology of CRT. If the only way to heal discrimination is to reverse discriminate, then that’s a self-feeding fire.
That’s bringing a flamethrower to put out a forest fire.
I'm calling this shit out as bigoted. The use of “white” as a racial slur needs to be acknowledged, and stopped.
Going forward, among my peers, I’m okay with being “white”. Otherwise, I identify as a BEIGE Person of Color, and demand a seat at the roundtable.
If you want to discuss this, let’s do that. I’m not open to being branded as the problem, without also being able to participate in solution.