When I was taking training in 2017, while simultaneously fighting the city of Portland Oregon for my existence, I had two thoughts that came into my mind that caused me to almost quit and not complete my certification.
One was that it wouldn’t make any difference, because the system is so corrupt. While I still believe and observe that the system is corrupt, I have seen the application and exercise of ADA rights change many situations, even though it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The other thought that caused me to actually have to sit with this for about 2 weeks, was that I started looking at EVERYTHING as ADA related. The question came to mind - Am I just a guy with only a hammer, looking at everything as if it were a nail?
I had to do some deep soul-searching, and I finally had to acknowledge that although I have many experiential tools other than just the ADA as a hammer, indeed almost EVERYTHING is an ADA matter for me, because constructs are built on words, and words are what I struggle with. Their issuance versus their true meaning.
~ The ADA applies to COVID, and COVID countermeasures, at least the ones from state level down. For federal mandates, there is the Rehabilitation Act.
~The ADA applies to court, and judges hate when I show up using the ADA in their courtrooms, but they have no immunity concerning ADA matters.
~The ADA applies to custody matters, affecting the kids and the parents
~The ADA applies to police interactions, and they aren’t trained to deal with it. There are millions of lawsuits waiting to happen. The ADA CAN stop police bullying.
~The ADA applies to public school, and public schools try to avoid it by steering situations into IEP/IDEA only settings.
~The ADA applies to local and state government. Bureaucrats are NOT prepared to deal with someone who knows their ADA rights. DMV, police, clerks of court,
~The ADA applies to Walmart, Costco, Target, McDonalds, hospitals, doctor offices, law offices, and other public accommodations, such as food banks, etc.
~The ADA applies to employer/employee relationships, and employers HATE it.
~ The ADA applies to gender ideology being forced upon children, and it can shut it down, but no one seems to care.
~The ADA applies to so much more. Seriously, the availability of the ADA astounds me, I am constantly seeing new ways to apply it and use it.
So, yes, there is a hammer, and there are LOTS of nails.
P.D., JAY V SHORE, as Certified ADA Advocate
adarights [at] protonmail [dot] com