The Climate Change of WAR.
The climate of trusting government is over.
Immunity and loopholes make sure the corrupt never see accountability in their system, unless we act on the words written for us in the Declaration of Independence.
The climate of thinking that propaganda is for third world countries is over. The lies here, in the “land of the free” are palpable, distinct, and constant.
The climate of believing that a justice system exists in the courts is over. Corrupt judges demand to be called "your honor" every day, while stomping on your rights with impunity.
The climate of trusting the medical industry is over. The pharmaceutical industry owns the medical industry. Going to the doctor is no different than going to a drug dealer, except one is "licensed", and one is not. Ironically, the drug dealer is much more honest than the medical industry.
The climate of “public education” is over. The Public Fool system is exclusively subjugation indoctrination, and it aims to terrorize and ruin your child's life by making them a slave until they die.
A school system that automatically attacks your child's sexuality, by regarding them as disabled, and coercively forcing them to choose a position on a made-up scale of mental illness is a real and actual threat to your child and their future.
The climate of a president and vice president that have a combined operating IQ of less than 80 is past tiresome and is illegitimate.
The climate of an FBI that stands for Fidelity, Bravery, & Integrity is over. FBI now means Fabrication, Bullshit and Incompetence.
The climate of district attorneys that are bought and paid for by George Soros, who disregard crime that affects us all while pursuing a political coup of the legal system is over.
The climate of the government pushing a product that it knows is deadly because it creates billions of revenue dollars is over.
The climate of the world economic forum colluding to rule the world in derogation of individual freedom is over.
Bill Gates, the pharmaceutical industry, and the world economic forum have colluded with governments to wage war upon the populace of the planet.
The climate of that war being ignored is over.
mRNA is now the shot heard around the world, and there are untold deaths and injuries that are screaming for justice based on this war that you have started. We demand your payment in blood, just the same as you have demanded our payment in blood.
The climate of you, as a corrupt bureaucrat, thinking you and your family can sleep safely is over.
This war will not be fought effectively in the streets.
It will be in the middle of the night, in your bed, when you think you've gotten away with it, when all hell will break loose and your last words will be "oh fuck."
If I am to be declared a terrorist for speaking these things, so be it. I will not cower to your false authority. I will not submit to your demands. And I will not abide your attempts to kill me without making it a fair trade.
The first time one chooses to self-defend is expensive, because it could cost everything, but to quote Henry Bowman, "After the first one the rest are free.”