Unauthorized Practice of Law, Part 1
The best is yet to come, but here are the foundational points.
Part 1. JAY V. SHORE is engaging in a federally protected activity:
(Notice: any and all words used hereon that were or are created by the undersigned author, JAY V. SHORE, unless otherwise attributed, remain the intellectual property of JAY V. SHORE, and any use, reproduction, sharing, or other implementation of this property is perpetually absent grant, right, or other authorization for any party, to use, reproduce, share or otherwise implement this property unless a fee for such is paid, which specie and amount are determined with the sole and exclusive discretion of JAY V. SHORE)
The ability to aid and encourage another in the exercise and enjoyment of their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. §12101-122213 and 28 C.F.R. Part 35) (“ADA”) is a federally protected activity - 42 U.S.C. 12203(b) and 28 C.F.R. §35.134(b).
JAY V. SHORE (Shore) has, since 2017, engaged in the activity of aiding and encouraging others who exercise and enjoy rights under the ADA.
Shore, in 2017, was trained by a preeminent leader in the field of ADA rights, the late Dr. Karin Huffer, Ph.D. (“Huffer”).
Under Dr. Huffer’s tutelage, Shore participated in a course of training which was offered by John Jay College of Criminal Justice (“JJCCJ”) in New York.
JJCCJ is an accredited educational institution - see https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/sites/default/files/general/Accreditation.pdf .
Dr. Huffer was the professor/instructor of the certification program in which Shore participated.
On October 10, 2017, Shore was awarded a certificate of successful completion of the certification program, which was named by Dr. Huffer, and offered by JJCCJ as “Level 1: Certified ADAA Advocate Program How to Advocate for Litigants with Invisible Disabilities”. Said certificate is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as “EXHIBIT A”.
The textbook that was used in the above mentioned the certification program was Dr. Huffer’s book Unlocking Justice (Fulkort Press, LLC, 2012, ISBN 0964178613).
An excerpt of Unlocking Justice is attached hereto, and incorporated by reference as “EXHIBIT B.”
As shown on Page 35 of Unlocking Justice there is a header of a subsection titled “ Advocates Become the Interpreter Communicating for the LWD”. “LWD”, in this context, means Litigant With Disabilities.
Excerpted, Page 35 continues to say “Many of the assaults during litigation are verbal conflicts and difficult for the court to sort out. The advocate is in the best position to communication to the court the accommodations that will limit emotional abuse during litigation. They can point out to the court that verbally abusive behavior is “psychic on psychic abuse” in any context (Gillin, 2007). Whether on a playground, on the job, or in a courtroom, cruel words and body language are intimidating and injurious - particularly to individuals who believe they are at a disadvantage. Without assurance, there is a piling on of one frustration after another that multiplies the sufferer’s stress and exacerbates the PTSD/LAS.”
In the above quote, “LAS” refers to Legal Abuse Syndrome, which Dr. Huffer outlines in her book “Legal Abuse Syndrome: 8 Steps for Avoiding the Traumatic Stress Caused by the Justice System” (AuthorHouse, 2013, ISBN 1481744690).
In six years of advocacy for ADA rights, Shore has observed that the worst offenses of discrimination, coercion, intimidation, threats, interference, and outright abuse have occurred by the acts of the justice system, exponentially including judges and lawyers who are seldom, if ever, held to account for their acts in derogation of disability rights.
Page 32 of Unlocking Justice is excerpted as follows: “The role of the advocate is the missing link in the judicial system reforming to provide justice for all people Advocates take on even a more important role if litigants do not have attorneys. In that event, their role as supportive counselor is greatly enhanced. Advocates serve a unique and critical function in implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act to secure equal access. Opposing counsel will sometimes accuse them of unlicensed practice of law; however the law is clear that an advocate simply ensuring the functionality of the client is protected under the ADAAA against all harassment, retaliation, false accusations, and when brought to the court’s attentions, a stop is generally put to such tactics.” (emphasis added)
Page 32 of Unlocking Justice continues: “Therefore, there is a firm foundation for Certified Americans with Disabilities Act Advocate(s) (CADAA) to ensure that those with limited language proficiency (LLPs) are accurately heard during legal proceedings. Unless the PWD is able to effectively express themselves, they are apt to be over restricted on the one hands, or fall through the cracks of justice on the other. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) also provides support for this argument; Rule 17, “Next Friend” - A next friend is a person who represents someone who is unable to tend to his or her own interest - precisely as a CADAA does.” (emphasis added)
Shore’s observation for six years is that instead of courts putting a stop to breaches of ADA rights for LWD’s, courts more often participate eagerly in such breaches.
Shore, in the certification program offered, and of which Shore is certified as an ADA Advocate - What Huffer refers to as a “CADAA” above (Certified ADA Advocate), was trained to both interpret for litigants with invisible disabilities, and also to act as next friend, for the explicit purposes of helping the LWD be heard effectively in court, and to have equal access in court.
Shore is currently fighting claims of some form of alleged unlicensed practice of law, or similar terminology in two different states.
In both state cases in which Shore is engaged in these fights, the complaints were initiated by judges who refused equal access to litigants on the basis of disability.
Shore has also been trained as a Victim Rights Advocate, through a training program with National Crime Victim Law Institute (“NCVLI”) in Portland Oregon.
Shore’s certification with NCVLI which was awarded to Shore in 2018, is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as “EXHIBIT C”.
NCVLI represents that it “is a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit legal education and advocacy organization based at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon.” See https://ncvli.org/about/
Lewis & Clark Law School is “ fully accredited by the American Bar Association since 1974, and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools.” See https://law.lclark.edu/about/accreditation/
In addition to the two certifications that Shore demonstrates hereon, Shore is also a survivor of domestic violence, and has been diagnosed with numerous disabilities, of which C-PTSD and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder are included.
It is reprehensible, disgusting, and yet endemic that the “justice system” is full of actors who hide behind the cloak of “judicial immunity” for which no Constitutional origin exists, while simultaneously demanding to be called “Your Honor”, and as such are merely egoistically masked as honorable beings while being psychological and pathological predators of the weakest members of society.
It is axiomatic that a system that demands accountability from judges, while offering no accountability for these same judges is an “injustice system”.
Common folk would call that “Bullshit.”
Fuck your “Justice System” that offers a demand for accountability while offering no reciprocal accountability.
P.D., JAY V SHORE, as Certified ADA Advocate
I’ve been waiting for this since 2005. Bring that shit.