This morning, an email came across from Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT), a substack that I subscribe to.
I will sometimes hesitantly read PITT, but mostly avoid it, and keep the subscription to remind me that there are others who endure this nightmare. She talks about losing her children to the trans mental health nightmare that masquerades as normal.
That pain, or reading about it, when I have my own, is not something that works for me, so that is whay I mostly avoid it.
BUT, this morning, an article of hers came across, and I scanned it. Her pain was palpable, distinct, and FAMILIAR. I had to comment. Here is that comment.
I've lost FIVE kids to this. I feel your pain. I feel rage more, really, and yet my love never disappears for them.
My wife has even enabled their behavior, so in a sense, I've lost her too.
I take my rage out on the SOCIAL DEVIANTS known as judges, who abuse disabled litigants. My calling keeps me alive.
I'm afraid to really have a deep cry. I may never escape that hole.
There's no one to talk to. Search engines hide therapists, or perhaps there are none that help parents through this . God?
If Jesus was crucified, I scoff at the possibility that he experienced more pain than this. That thought is a mockery.
An Almighty God that is impotent to personally comfort and personally talk to me, when he supposedly talked and appeared to others, has been rejected by me as another form of abuse. What God would watch this pain, and not attend to it?
Lost at sea, the sharks gleefully circle.
If there is a hell, I welcome it as more peaceful than this.
Just as in the Covid scamdemic, when highly trained professionals decided to comply with the wishes of their masters, rather than maintain common sense, and even science, the mental health professional community has abandoned those of us that are lost in this nightmare of losing families, realizing that we are alone, and that we have lost the most precious things we could have wished for in this life.
If you want to know why I appear to be unafraid of judges, of the system, of “your honor”, and why I have such a penchant for speaking out to this, well, I’ve been this way my entire life.
From my own childhood, when I was beat and medicated as an attempt at conformity, to the “adulthood” (I hate that word) that has mirrored the coercive control that is the domestic violence of the system, I have remained obstinate, defiant, and rage-filled enough to resist compliance.
And yet, underneath that, there is a desire for love, that may not ever, in this life, be fulfilled.
So, every day, I will go about my attempts to point out that the emperor has no clothes, that judges who hide behind judicial immunity are SOCIALLY DEVIANT abusera and psychopathic, and I will take life 5 minutes at a time.
This relates with my stance on Christianity. Why should an “almighty” god, be above answering why we are left alone to endure this hell? Why should this god avoid that, while purporting to be almighty, omniscient, omnipresent, he was never actually present in anything other than a mental construct?
Would I run from the cries of my children? I could spew sacrilege that would make you vomit, but I digress.
If there is an opportunity to strike at the root, to expose the illusion, that gives me life.
My work in disability advocacy is my ministry, my calling, my religion.
So be it.
P.D., JAY V SHORE, as Certified ADA Advocate, and alone.
Brother, you are using logic and reason, instead of the nonsense (non-sense) that so many others use to explain this Earthly plane. Much respect.
I think the "God" that everyone is taught to believe in, is just a "god" construct allowed to exist within our Matrix to keep everyone pacified.
And many have probably come and gone as beings from other civilizations, dimensions, etc. Likely just to exploit us peasant humans. All pretending to be "God" with their technology, but were just "gods".
This still leaves the question of if there is actually some higher all-powerful "God"... if there is then it would be able to break through the Matrix we are likely in, and thus offer some sort of help, relief, resolution. It doesn't. It doesn't exist, or doesn't care, or knows that we are in some sort of dream/Matrix that doesn't really matter? Well, it sure seems to matter to anyone experiencing it. The pain, the suffering. Appalling.
Thus, your article is right on the money. Amen to it and your reasoning.