Uphold the oath? Maliciously misuse learned language arts on as many as possible...as a profession.....and with no accountability for any and all indiscretions....wrongdoing and violence against the people.

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I totally agree, I wonder if accepting their oath of office would be a good way to counteract this problem? How to enforce it is the issue.

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Accepting their oath to what, exactly?

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I also use registered mail. With the thin registered mail strip built into the letter. I turn the document over fold it to fit in a priority mail window envelope and use the big registered mail sticker with the hand written address and a stamp on the portion shown through the window on the envelope. That letter is a registered document that I can show chain of custody, was received and signed for.

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Excellent. I wrote a book on this back 2005-ish.

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I may have read that book but I cannot remember do you possibly have a link to get it somewhere?

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Their oath is worthless. And the bond... I've never seen anyone present a successful demonstration of ruining a judge through this. Call me jaded.

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I claimed a county executives bond after accepting his oath with a affidavit and other things that’s to hard to explain here but it came back where the bonding company said it’s not that kind of bond (which I new but wanted in writing) and it pays only to the insured. It would seem these guys are not bonded and probably haven’t been for decades to think it’s okay.

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Yeah, I've heard all kinds of people say "take their bond" and no one can demonstrate doing so, or how this made a difference.

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That is a major issue I am working on currently , the way I am accepting the oaths is in a private contract between me and the official. I tell them “In recognition of your service to the public I am accepting your Oath of office to (the Office of Prosecuting Attorney or Judge) one of the things I require of you is to remain on the backside of the Bill of Rights preceding and attaching to the Constitution for State of (whatever state) and the constitution for the United States, we now have a private contract.” their oaths say they will obey or follow. I believe it’s a fiduciary duty and private contract should remove immunity in violating in it. I use wording like “just as you have accepted your oath of office I am accepting yours and to reject this acceptance is to vacate your office.” A judge has two offices one as judge one as attorney at law. Prosecutors are also key to accept their oaths in my opinion but the final enforcement when I am done on this journey will tell if it will work or if the system really has no accountability even if you can create a private contract with those barflys.

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This is a matter of simply announcing and demanding your choice of law, or the conflict of laws.

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It amazes me I had never seen it like that. Such a simple idea I have been asking myself if there is something I need to see or realize here. Like the last time I was in a court I ended up telling the judge, who was very aggressive to me and called me a sovereign citizen so I told him I didn’t want to be sovereign and I wasn’t at war with him or his courtroom. I told him that several times and proclaimed I was at peace with him. It seemed to settle him down immensely. Thank you for this.

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