Hot off the presses from Orion at Psychacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wlA8McpZ7g

I hope you read the comments on all these videos. They are always more valuable and insightful than the original video content. Plenty from guys talking about the carelessness of wives giving up on decades old marriages as if they were nothing.

The Masculine builds and structures with the past and the future in mind.

The Feminine only sees the moment now. Much like staring only at the bumper of the car in front of her, seemingly oblivious to the thousands of miles already traveled, and those of the roads beyond just that bumper.

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I applaud her seeing the moment... Without me, as is her choice.

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A blind horse became a champion. You are a sighted champion and an inspiration to many. Endure.

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Love you bro.

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Love and light Brother… a whole new world waits to embrace you on the journey.

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So sorry to read this jay! Bless you brother!

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The short answer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he50DvQWcQo

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Oh my...

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Yes, the strategies and realities of attraction, courtship, Game, relationships, etc have all been deciphered for 30 years and counting. David Deida and onward. Winners study from masters, put into practice, and reap the clarity and healthy benefits to both sides of any relationship equation. Dealing with Reality, not fantasy.

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Though largely theoretical, and average according to research, many cases are dissected differently due to circumstances and individuals. Just a thought 🤷‍♀️

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Not sure why it always seems a requirement for someone to bring up "individuals".

It's is the same one brought up over and over and over ad nauseum in the Fem [usually defensive] commentary.

Of course.

Nobody in their right mind would make a guarantee of any of it.

And all of us have combinations of both Masc and Fem energies. And constant fluctuations in them. And changing hormone levels. Relationships. On and on and on.

BUT, as the saying goes: "Exceptions do not make the rule."

Anomalies and individuations are the outliers in the bell-curves.

It's all probabilities.

Take a person that goes into a 5 bars and comes out with zero phone numbers, vs the same person that went into the same 5 bars and comes out with ~5 numbers each time, after running some more polarizing conversation "Game" or whatever they have improved upon using these GENERAL concepts... then everyone is happy.

Why always appear to argue against it? I just don't get it.

You don't win anything but socially incompetent idiots, lower self-esteem and loneliness for more.

And "woke" destruction of society.

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